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By SecureWorld News Team
Wed | Sep 26, 2018 | 7:36 AM PDT

The Rise of the Machines.

That's the name of the white paper a Congressional subcomitee on IT just issued and it makes 5 key points about artificial intelligence.

  1. AI impact on military: "The loss of American leadership in AI could also pose a risk to ensuring any potential use of AI in weapons systems by nation-states comports with international humanitarian laws. In general, authoritarian regimes like Russia and China have not been focused on the ethical implications of AI in warfare, and will likely not have guidelines against more bellicose uses of AI, such as in autonomous weapons systems."
  2. AI impact on workers: "In response to concerns about AI’s potential economic impact, federal, state, and local agencies are encouraged to engage more with stakeholders on the development of effective strategies for improving the education, training, and reskilling of American workers to be more competitive in an AI-driven economy."
  3. AI impact on privacy: "In response to concerns about privacy, the Subcommittee recommends federal agencies review federal privacy laws and regulations to determine how they may already apply to AI technologies within their jurisdiction, and, where necessary, update existing regulations to account for the addition of AI."
  4. AI impact on bias: "To account for potential biases in AI systems, federal, state, and local agencies that use AI systems to make consequential decisions about people should ensure that the algorithms that support these systems are accountable and inspectable."
  5. AI and leadership: "Underlying these recommendations is the recognition the United States cannot maintain its global leadership in AI absent political leadership from Congress and the Executive Branch. Therefore, the Subcommittee recommends increased engagement on AI by Congress and the Administration."

You can read the entire Congressional white paper on artificial intelligence for yourself.

And there is one more point we found very interesting. It is the definition of artificial intelligence used by members of Congress and what it signifies:

"This paper defines AI as computational technology that works and reacts in humanlike ways. AI generally falls into two categories: “narrow AI” and “general AI.” Narrow AI addresses or solves specific tasks, “such as playing strategic games, language translation, self-driving vehicles, and image recognition.”1 General AI, on the other hand, can accomplish more than one task and can move between these tasks based on reasoning.  Witnesses who testified before the Subcommittee suggested that while narrow AI is commonly utilized today, “more general systems . . . that can work across multiple tasks” are underdeveloped at this time."

We are just...getting...started when it comes to artificial intelligence.

That reminds of us of former Intel Futurist Steve Brown and his keynote at SecureWorld around artificial intelligence and all that it will be.  Be sure and catch him in person this fall if you're in Cincinnati or Seattle this fall.

Here is eye opening preview on where we are headed, fast:

