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By SecureWorld News Team
Tue | Jun 25, 2019 | 4:35 AM PDT

The City of New York announced millions in scholarships to crank out dozens of "in-demand cybersecurity professionals" in just 17 weeks.

The focus is getting low income students into high-paying jobs, while at the same time helping New York get closer to its goal of becoming a global leader in cybersecurity.

[Announcing the inaugural SecureWorld New York conference on September 25, 2019]

The city is partnering with a well-known cyber bootcamp to do the following:

"The Fullstack Cyber Bootcamp program qualifies students for two specific cybersecurity roles—Security Operations Center (SOC) Analyst and Penetration Tester.

The curriculum includes lectures, workshops, red team/blue team training, and hands-on cyber-attack simulations.

The 17-week, full-time program will teach both 'red team' (offense) and 'blue team' (defense) skills and will train students to use state-of-the-art cybersecurity tools, as well as for multiple advanced cybersecurity certifications."

Read more about the cyber bootcamp here. If you don't qualify as low income, you can pay the $17,000 tuition to go through the program.

[RELATED: Want $75k Toward Tuition? Join this Cybersecurity Program]
