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By SecureWorld News Team
Tue | Nov 7, 2017 | 8:08 AM PST

This topic comes up every year among cybersecurity leaders within the SecureWorld community.

"We wish the federal government would share more about cyber threats. They have the intelligence that business needs."

Now a new report from the Office of the Inspector General says the Department of Homeland Security has come a long way but technology is hampering efforts to get relevant context on cybersecrutiy threats into the hands of the corporate world.

"DHS’ system is focused on volume, velocity, and timeliness of information but does not provide the quality, contextual data needed to effectively defend against ever-evolving threats," says the DHS Inspector General.

Below is how the Cyber Threat Indicator Data Flow currently works:


In the 35 page cybersecurity report the Office of the Inspector General also noted some security vulnerabilities in the infromation sharing system, itself.

But the OIG's primary reccomendations are to improve technology and promotion of DHS threat intelligence sharing so that more businesses and other government agencies have real-time access to the information.

Do you feel like the amount of cyber threat sharing by the Department of Homeland Security has improved over the years? Is the agency on the right track?
